Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Family poem

Gather round and lend your ear
For some juicy holiday cheer.

Let’s begin with Sitou’s favorite grandchild.
Joe’s year was not too wild …
He has settled into family life
with his lovely wife
and grandbaby number one -Callie Rose
in every pic that Jenn sends we love each pose.

Matt and Audrey celebrated their anniversary of one year under the sun in Mexico so we hear.
They are looking for a home
All of northern jersey they comb.
Audrey joined the big 3 – 0 club and switched up jobs
On a sad note Gimple did move.   Rachel and Scott moving to NJ helped control all the sobs

Congrats go out to Rachel who earned herself a MBA And to Scott who got a new job to go to everyday Rosalie’s 1 year birthday was at Gidiou’s pool And she started her new fun school.

Talking about gidous- the grandest gidou of all
Let’s all take a moment to send Pam and Joe our love
Joe loved babies and we welcomed not one but two this year!
Anna and Grace have joined us – did you hear?

Congrats to Rose and Ted –
Who were wise to get  Madonna an extra bed.
Ella is a big first grader and girlscout
And her first 3 teeth has fallen out.

Zak and Madonna traveled through Mexico
Exploring food, history and spending lots of dough
Zak’s on the run from crazed neighbors who have no tact
But finds solace spending his days on Surviving Jack

We got to meet Jessie in 2013
Who makes Josie feel like a queen.
She traveled to Turkey to do go deeds
And is now a consultant – got any leads?

Susan is shifting to part time after all these years
So she can spend time with all of us that she loves so dear.

Now for the fam of 366
What a wild and crazy mix
November 2 is the date of the fall.
Brandon flew in and surprised us all
With ring in hand on the 45th floor’
He asked Robin to marry him for ever more.
And then she ran the marathon with Dave in under four.

Brandon was off to Chili to fix the telescopes
Some discoveries and papers published offer high hopes.

Dave and Joan traveled to the great northwest
 And met up with robin, Brandon, dan and eva..it was the best.
Everyone get up and do your tree pose
Joan graduated from yoga teacher training and can now touch her toes.

Their baby is a college graduate now
Congrats Forrest for a job well done and landing Alex and Ani somehow.

Greg got in his car and headed to the west coast
 To be with the sister he loves the most.
Living in la jolle, working 9-5
I think it was worth the drive.

Amelia started her job  as the sausage queen
 She is really in know with the Denver food scene.
Her and Derrick hit the concerts and cool adventures races.
It takes a bit to keep up with their paces
 They met up with robin and Brandon in Mexico for thanksgiving
 It is a great life they are all living.

Eva now lives with a man
His name is Dan.
Head down to the Hudson on floor 32
It really has a heck of a view.
They love to have visitor but -be sure to call.
For they love to travel-Greece, Hawawii , seattle they want see it all!

So family you rock - we love that you are here!

Merry christmas and blessings and happy new year

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